
What difference can genetics make to Merino flocks?

With the Haddon Rig ram sale coming up soon on 12th September 2019, it’s important to consider the positive impact good quality genetics can have on your merino flock. MLA have produced a web tool (link here) to assist producers to understand and make use of Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBV’s) when making ram buying decisions. The information within the web tool will assist you in analysing ASBV’s and determining which values align with your breeding objectives.

Haddon Rig is committed to delivering genetic gain for our clients to produce early maturing, fertile sheep that cut quality wool and produce great meat carcasses. In recent years, Haddon Rig has invested heavily in DNA testing and measuring traits to provide accurate genetic data to our clients purchasing merino or poll merino rams (see our recent newsletter). Haddon Rig ram clients can be confident in their buying decisions and combine the best of ASBV selection with purchasing stylish merino rams.

We welcome you to attend the Haddon Rig Open Day on Wednesday 14th August, and join us for the on-farm Ram Sale on Thursday 12th September. Please subscribe to our newsletter and keep updated with the latest news.

Please review the MLA tool and contact Andy Maclean for further information on the upcoming sale, or contact your classer.