A great client success story from Charlie Blomfield and El Falkiner at 'Boridgeree' in Canowindra. "There's still dollars in the trade!"
Boridgeree is built off a base of HR blood merino ewes and rams, results and data-focussed and always at the forefront of innovation!
Read below for a recap of Charlie's talk at our Open Day
Running trade sheep and a 4,500-head feedlot
Poll Merino and Merino lamb results were on-par at the time of marking. They'll be weaned at 20kg - keep an eye on our social media for an update!
From here they'll spend time in the feedlot to induct them on to grain and make them easier to handle
The results speak for themselves - there's still money in the trade!!
The 19/20 Merino Whethers achieved a net profit of $30/head (20% ROI) following 60 days on feed. The cross-breds achieved a net profit of $26/head (19% ROI).
Today with lamb achieving $6.70 and Barley at $200/t theres an average 20% return on capital and opportunity to utilise the drought infrastrucutre which many of our clients have invested in!
Follow Charlie on Twitter https://twitter.com/AMC_DirtDollars to learn more