2022 Events Calendar

The Haddon Rig team is excited to be hitting the road with our Merino & Poll Merinos this year. We will have our show and sale teams on display across NSW, as well as Victoria and Queensland.
If you see us, be sure to come say hello!

Queensland State Sheep Show
Cunnamulla, Qld
May 20 - 21

Australian Sheep & Wool Show
Bendigo, Vic
July 15 - 17

Midstate Merino Field Day
Location TBA
July 26

Nyngan Ag Expo
Nyngan, NSW
August 6

Dubbo National Ram Show & Display
Dubbo, NSW
August 23 - 24

South West Field Day
Harden, NSW
August 30

and don't forget our main event of the year!
Haddon Rig On-Property Ram Sale
"Haddon Rig", Warren, NSW
September 8

*Above events and dates are subject to change without notice.