To further strengthen the Haddon Rig Poll breeding base, last week Haddon Rig purchased four exceptional Poll Rams from Bonooke Poll Stud at their 2019 On-Property Sale. We are very impressed with the four purchases we have made and look forward to breeding with these rams and offering their progeny at our 2020 On-Property Ram Sale. We believe that combined with the HR-blood ewes, we will achieve even greater size and wool quality.
Pictured here are lots 5 and 8, with Andy Maclean and George Falkiner with Boonoke Stud Manager, Shannon Mitchell (centre), and Stuart Murdoch (Right).
Lot 5 - PB1830136: Ram purchased for $22,000. He bought him for his large frame (BWt: 110.0kg and PWT: 6.6) structure and wool quality - he’s a very gutsy, soft, medium-wool (FD: 18.5, CF: 99.8) with a very good skin. PB 180136 will really boost the Haddon Rig Stud because of his exceptional wool quality and crimp.
Lot 8 - PB 180360: The second ram we purchased was Lot 8. He is a much bigger ram (BWt: 119.5kg and PWT: 8.4), with a massive barrel. He has a massive body and is very correct on his feet. He has also got a very clean, white, long-stapled medium wool (FD: 19.5, CV: 16.4 and CF: 99.8) . He is a very impressive ram with really good growth figures and will be very useful at Haddon Rig with correct joining, helping us achieve that larger-framed Poll we are after.
Other rams purchased (not pictured) include Lot 77 (PB180951) and Lot 109 (PB180897), who were paddock rams chosen for their impressive growth weights and ASBV’s, particularly their EMD and DP+.
Lot 77: PB180951: The third ram we purchased for $8000 is very correct and stands up well. He has a very good staple length and has a very good-gusty, medium wool, with great crimp and skin.
Lot 109 - PB180897: purchased for $4500 has a very good head, white muzzle, very pure. He stands up very well, long body and great finish. A very good gutsy, medium wool.
We are very happy with the four rams we have purchased as we work to boost the number and quality of Poll rams on offer at the HR sale. We look forward to sharing these genetics with our existing and new clients at the 2020 Haddon Rig On-Property Ram Sale.