Haddon Rig has found that wool guarantees a return in any season. Even in a dry year, you will get some lambs and a healthy wool cheque, and in above average seasons, you can really capitalizes on big lambing percentages and even more substantial wool cheques.

With Haddon Rig’s large commercial base, returns per hectare over the last 10 years have been exceptional. Maintaining our quality breeding program and consistent Stud Merino flock numbers has enabled us to ensure solid returns of up to 128.64/hectare for the HR Stud Merino Flock. Going forward, we aim to continue improving our high-performing merino flock in order to work with our clients so that they see similarly brilliant results.

Our aim is to deliver value. By producing premium dual-purpose animals, we aim to provide ourselves and our clients with stock that will enable them to realise maximum returns per head in their merino operation. In 2016, Haddon Rig was selling wethers at under 12 months of age for $130-$160 per head and returns from the Merino breeding ewes averaged in excess of $70 head. Over 2016, we have been taking advantage of the demand for Merino ewes, with record prices for surplus ewes being achieved.

Returns like this mean that investing in and working for the development of our merino flock has true commercial benefit for ourselves and our clients.

Given the strength of the current wool and sheep industry and favorable, reliable  wool and meat prices – now is a perfecting opportunity to be investing in your stud and consolidating your genetic pool, and maximizing the value of your Merino business.

By purchasing Haddon Rig semen, our clients have the opportunity to access the absolute best of our breeding program over the last 10 years. In doing so, they can benefit from using  the top 1% of Haddon Rig's sire pool -  rams that really stand out in the Haddon Rig breeding program, in terms of wool quality and early growth.